NBR 4mm Developments

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We are pleased to be able to make available a range of waterslide NBR transfers for locomotives and coaches, complementing our kits and filling a long-standing gap in the market. These have been designed by Euan Cameron, a well-known contributor to the North British Railway Study Group Journal, and printed by Fox Transfers, one of the leading producers of transfers for modellers. The transfers were jointly commissioned with Peter Mullen of 62C Models and an equivalent range of transfers in 7mm may be purchased from that site.

Please hover on the images below to see larger images of the transfers.

Transfer sheet 9400: Pre 1900 Coaches

Transfer sheet 9400: Pre 1900 Coaches

Item: 9400

Price: £8.00

Plus postage and packing



Transfer sheet 9401: Pre 1900 Locomotives

Transfer sheet 9401: Pre 1900 Locomotives

Item: 9401

Price: £8.00

Plus postage and packing



Transfer sheet 9402: Post 1900 Coaches

Transfer sheet 9402: Post 1900 Coaches

Item: 9402

Price: £12.00

Plus postage and packing



Transfer sheet 9403: Post 1900 Locomotives

Transfer sheet 9403: Post 1900 Locomotives

Item: 9403

Price: £9.00

Plus postage and packing



Transfer sheet 9404: Post 1915 Locomotive Control Numbers

ransfer sheet 9404: Post 1915 Locomotive Control Numbers

Item: 9404

Price: £9.00

Plus postage and packing



Transfer sheet 9405: NBR garter badge

Transfer sheet 9405: NBR roundel badge

Item: 9405

Price: £1.75

Plus postage and packing



Please note that this item is sold individually, i.e. the price shown is per roundel. Each roundel is approximately 7mm in width. Also supplied with each transfer is a white blockout transfer which should be applied to the model first.