Mileposts (NBR) (Kit Ref 9065)
In 1845, the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act was passed, compelling UK railway companies to provide their passengers with a means of determining the distance travelled (fares were set by distance at this time). Section 94 states:
‘The company shall cause the length of the railway to be measured, and milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects to be set up and maintained along the whole line thereof, at the distance of one quarter of a mile from each other, with numbers or marks inscribed thereon denoting such distances’.
Mileposts are one those distinctive features of lineside furniture on Britain’s railways which can identify the owning company long after they have ceased to exist.
Whether you model the 1850s to the present day, these cast iron mileposts can still be found throughout the surviving North British Railway network taking their place alongside replacements from the LNER, BR, Railtrack and for now Network Rail.
The etch contains sufficient parts to mark out two miles of track.
Cut a length of bullhead rail to approximately 20mm (not provided).
Remove supporting T bracket from the etch and solder to top of rail (the two bolt-heads are the fixings to the rail and the half etch should line up with the top edge of the rail).
Bend the top of the T bracket to approximately 30° from the vertical.
Remove the required etched plate and attach to the T bracket. (note that the bottom of the plate overlaps slightly the top of the mounting rail)
Historic: White background and post rail with raised detail black.
Modern image: Should have a yellow background and post rail with raised detail black.
The miles plate is left blank and it is suggested that suitable transfers from wagon lettering is used for the digits.
Images of all four types of plates can be found on: Railway Signs and Signals of Great Britain .

Item: 9065
Price: £2.00
Plus postage and packing